* This is clearly a spoof on The Julie/Julia Project. All the quilts below, however, are the real deal.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Since I Didn't Start This In A Timely Fashion...

Although I heard about the Julie/Julia story back in the Fall of last year, we didn't get to see the film until lately. So, I didn't read about her blog til then and of course, I checked it out and all.

I am sorry the muse of her project didn't care for it and, honestly, I can understand why she didn't.

1. There is a lot of cursing going on. I curse myself. I TRY to use this: "Rashen Frashen Frick n Frack!" when things go wrong. Things invariably go wrong when you are learning new tricks.

I wonder if dogs curse?

I think Child came from a different era; one that did not condone coarse language under any circumstance. You might THINK it, but you don't SAY it. That take on things has been long-since abandoned. Sadly.

2. And here is where I totally concur. The "Project" was to cook every item from a lengthy and heavy doorstop of a cookbook. Once. Now, how do you really learn what there is to understand about each dish, or in this project's case, each quilt block, if you only do it once.

Julia Child named her book Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Because cooking IS an art form and preparing a dish once is not mastering anything.

I do not criticize Powers for accomplishing the task she set out on. I would not tackle this. It's daunting in it's scope! I have several of Child's books and have only made less than 30 recipes out of the lot of them. (BTW- every recipe of hers I have made, repeatedly, is terrific. She lady could write recipes!)

But Powers didn't set her goal to Master the recipes, just the book. and she learned so much about cooking, life and herself along the way and she willingly shared the ups & downs with total strangers so kudos to her! Well done, lass and I hope life continues to help you set up challenges for yourself.

This Fabric Project was a challenge for me as I wrote in the previous post. I want to be a better sewer. I teach beginners the basics of sewing/quilting and do a lot of straight seams. I have personally avoided the more difficult blocks; the ones with curved seams and Y-seams. Don't misunderstand! I HAVE made pa-lenty of them, just not very well. And as such, I have found myself discouraged.

So with the BOMb, I have forced myself to face up to this deficit and have learned how to successfully sew the Y-seams with accuracy and confidence. Which is a good thing because shortly now, I shall undertake the assignment of teaching this technique to others.

As I am making these blocks, I intend to photograph and add step-by-step instructions, here on this blog, of the more diffy blocks, to encourage everybody to push yourself.

Why not? Since I have three completed, and three to go, I decided I would undertake this and share it with others. If anyone happens to read this, and wants to suggest a better method, I am open! Just add it to the comments.

I will probably not add a counter to this blog as I don't want to concern myself to who's reading (or NOT as the case may be). I am simply putting this out there in the ether.

And in a few weeks I shall take a class in the curved seams. Next year, I will challenge myself to make an entire quilt of Drunkard's Path.